Radiance | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 24" | SOLD
The viewpoint
The viewpoint | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95
Teal eclipse...
Teal eclipse... | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95
Orange horizon...
Orange horizon... | Oil on Panel | 8" Diameter | $115 | SOLD
Lets get lost together in beautiful places...
Lets get lost together in beautiful places... | Oil on Canvas | 18" x 48" | SOLD - commission
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95
Ethereal | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Transcendent Eclipse...
Transcendent Eclipse... | Oil on Panel | 12" diameter | $185 | SOLD
Shimmering Mystique...
Shimmering Mystique... | Oil on Panel | 8" x 8" | $115 | SOLD
Rosy Eclipse
Rosy Eclipse | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Pewter Eclipse...
Pewter Eclipse... | Oil on Panel | 8" x 8" | $115 | SOLD
Galaxy Gazer...
Galaxy Gazer... | Oil on Canvas | 8" x 10" | $140 | SOLD
Explore... | Oil on Panel | 8" diameter | $115 | SOLD
Chartreuse Eclipse
Chartreuse Eclipse | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Champagne moons...
Champagne moons... | Oil on Canvas | 8" x 10" | $140 | SOLD
Bliss... | Oil on Canvas | 18" x 36" | $710 | SOLD - commission
Better together...
Better together... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 24" | SOLD - commission
Adventure | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Where life begins, and love never ends...
Where life begins, and love never ends... | Oil on canvas - with silver leaf accents | 18" x 36" | SOLD - commission
Wander | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175 | SOLD
Unwind | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175 | SOLD
Lilac Eclipse...
Lilac Eclipse... | Oil on Canvas | 8"x24" | $225 | SOLD
Explore | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175 | SOLD
Contemplate | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175 | SOLD
Seafaring... | Oil on Canvas | 8" x 24" | $225 | SOLD
Our Adventure...
Our Adventure... | Oil on Canvas | 24" x 24" | SOLD
Eclipse II
Eclipse II | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Eclipse | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Contemplative Shoreline
Contemplative Shoreline | Oil on Canvas | 12” x 16” | $250
Quiet Moments...
Quiet Moments... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 24" | $315 | SOLD
Proximity | Oil on Canvas | 12"x24" with gold + silver leaf accents | $350 | SOLD
Contemplate... | Oil on Panel | 8" x 8" | $115 | SOLD
Expedition | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 16" | $250 | SOLD
Celestial Companion
Celestial Companion | Oil on Canvas | 24"x24" | $625 | SOLD
Copper Moon
Copper Moon | Oil on Canvas | 11" x 14" | $185
Everywhere on earth you go, you're gonna have me...
Everywhere on earth you go, you're gonna have me... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 16" - SOLD commission
The golden hour...
The golden hour... | Oil on Canvas - gold leaf accents | 16" x 20" | $370 - SOLD
Ripples... | Oil on Canvas | 11" x 14" | $185 | SOLD
Pause and reflect.
Pause and reflect. | Oil on Panel | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Optimism... | Oil on Canvas | 36" x 36" | $1320
Observer... | Oil on Canvas | 11" x 14" | $185 | SOLD
Mosaic daydreams...
Mosaic daydreams... | Oil on Canvas | 18" x 24" | $470
Moonlit garden...
Moonlit garden... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 24" | $315 - SOLD
Introspection | Oil on Panel | 12" diameter | $185 | SOLD
Golden Dawn...
Golden Dawn... | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $185
Our oasis in the clouds...
Our oasis in the clouds... | Oil on Panel | 24" diameter | $625 | SOLD - commission
Stormy seas...
Stormy seas... | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175
Aquatic | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 16" | $250 | SOLD
Wandering in the wildflowers...
Wandering in the wildflowers... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 16" | $250 | SOLD
Wading in...
Wading in... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 16" | $250 | SOLD
Transitions... | Oil on Panel | 16" diameter | $285 | SOLD
Testing the water...
Testing the water... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 16" | $250
You are my sunshine...
You are my sunshine... | diptych - Oil on Panel | (2) 8" x 24" | SOLD - commission
Silver lake...
Silver lake... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 12" | $175 | SOLD
Reconnect | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 16" | $250 | SOLD
Our own rainbow garden in the clouds...
Our own rainbow garden in the clouds... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 12" | $175 | SOLD
My own island in the clouds....
My own island in the clouds.... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 12" | $175 | SOLD
In the rhythm...
In the rhythm... | Oil on Canvas (with silver leaf accents) | 12” x 16” | $250 | SOLD
Hiker bot...
Hiker bot... | Oil on Canvas | 6" x 6" | $95 | SOLD
Hanging out...
Hanging out... | Oil on Canvas | 12" x 12" | $175 | SOLD
Crystalline Reflections
Crystalline Reflections | Oil on Canvas | 18" x 36" | $710 | SOLD
Crystal Clear
Crystal Clear | Oil on Canvas | 16" x 16" | $285 | SOLD
At Dawn...
At Dawn... | Oil on Canvas | 11"x14" | $175 | SOLD
Always and forever
Always and forever | Oil on Canvas | 12"x24" | SOLD - commission
La lune d'or
La lune d'or | Oil on Panel | 12" diameter | $185 | SOLD
Tranquility | Oil on Panel | 16" diameter | $285 | SOLD - commission
To the moon...
To the moon... | Oil on Canvas | 11"x14" | SOLD - commission
Temporal | Oil on Canvas | 16"x20" | $370 | SOLD
Other worlds...
Other worlds... | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175 | SOLD
In the flow...
In the flow... | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175 | SOLD
Eternal | Oil on Canvas | 18"x24" | $470
The essential things: air. sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky...
The essential things: air. sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky... | Oil on Canvas | 18" x 36" | SOLD - Commission
Realize deeply that the present moment is all we ever have.
Realize deeply that the present moment is all we ever have. | Acylic on Canvas | 24" x 36" | Painted at live event Fireside Festival - SOLD - Proceeds donated to KGHF
East Coast Romance.
East Coast Romance. | Oil on Canvas | 24" x 36" | SOLD - commission
These moments together...
These moments together... | Oil on Canvas | 18" x 24" | SOLD - commission
The space in between...
The space in between... | Oil on Canvas | 16" x 20" | $370 | SOLD
Silver Moon | Oil on Canvas | 16" x 20" | $370 | SOLD
Guidance | Oil on Canvas | 11" x 14" | $175 | SOLD
A moment to ponder...
A moment to ponder... | Oil on Canvas | 24" x 30" | $785 | SOLD
The scenic route...
The scenic route | Oil on Panel | 30" diameter | $930 | SOLD
The earth laughs in flowers...
The earth laughs in flowers... | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | SOLD - commission
Potential | Oil on Canvas | 20"x20" | $440 | SOLD
Lost in this moment...
Lost in this moment... | Oil on Canvas | 24"x36" | SOLD - commission
Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound | Oil on Canvas | 12"x48" | SOLD - commission
Beginnings | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" | $175 | SOLD
The Infinite
The Infinite | Oil on Canvas | 11"x14" | $175 | SOLD
The Brink
The Brink | Oil on Panel | 8"x24" | $225 | SOLD
Winter wanderer...
Winter wanderer... | Oil on Canvas | 11"x14" | $175 | SOLD
Up in the clouds... | Oil on Canvas | 11"x14" | $175 SOLD
The valley below... | Oil on Canvas | 24"x24" | $625 | SOLD
Shimmer | Oil on Canvas | 16"x16" | $285 | SOLD
Searching... | Oil on Canvas | 12"x12" - narrow edge | $175 | SOLD
Reflections at the crack of dawn...
Reflections at the crack of dawn... | Oil on Canvas | 11"x14" - narrow edge | $175
Blue Sky Days...
Blue Sky Days... | Oil on Canvas | 11"x14" - narrow edge | $175 | SOLD
Passage | Oil on Canvas | 12"x48" | $635 | SOLD
The depth of winter.
The depth of winter. | Oil on Panel | 12"x24" | $315 - SOLD
Drifting... | Oil on Canvas | 12"x48" | $635 | SOLD
Fresh Dusting
Fresh Dusting | Oil on Panel | 20" diameter | $380