Pastiche Project – 2018
Welcome to my Pastiche Project of September 2018! I have created a limited edition collection of 30 original mix-media collage pieces encased in a high gloss resin. These unique collages are one of a kind – signed, numbered, and include a hand-written quote from an artist whose words and images have moved and inspired me in my creative journey.
Every year around the fall, I feel compelled to push myself outside of my comfort zone by creating a project that holds me accountable in creating something I’m not sure how to accomplish. I’ve always admired collage work, and love the act of paper cutting and assembling things – but never quite felt comfortable re-assembling imagery created by someone else. It came to me that by using prints of past paintings I could reassemble these ideas I’ve had, and try this method of creating something new out of existing elements.
Each of these wood panels started with a fast and loose acrylic painting – to begin to inform my colour and composition choices. From here I would play with deconstructed paintings to assemble new realities – usually starting with a landform, or focal point. Once the elements of the collage began to flow, and feel complete – I would paste down the collage using an acrylic gel, to seal the paper in place. To finish these pieces I wanted a smooth glassy surface, that would allow the edges of the paper to almost melt into each other and unite the work. I was able to accomplish this finish using a two part pouring resin, that when stirred together with a hardener and allowed 24 hours to dry – turns into a beautifully smooth and clear glassy protective surface. The care is simple for these works – as they can be gently wiped with a microfibre cloth to remove dust.
I am so pleased with how each of these pieces pushed me to bring together elements that I never would have attempted without these pre-made elements informing my choices. I see collage and mix media elements beginning to emerge in my practice in different ways in the near future, and I’m so grateful I got to share a snippet of this creative journey with you! I find it important as an artist to continue growing, I need to do things that ignite my sense of wonder and play. It is my hope that through this inner work, I’m able to spread that wonder and joy through my creations.
The red dot 🔴 beside the numbered collage indicates it is sold. There are still a couple of collages left – if one catches your eye, please contact me at